Friday, October 30, 2015

Hottest, heaviest touching double star

This image shows the location of VFTS 352 — the hottest and most massive double star system to date where the two components are in contact and sharing material. The two stars in this extreme system lie about 160 000 light-years from Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This intriguing system could be heading for a dramatic end, either merging to form a single giant star or forming a binary black hole. This view of the Tarantula star-forming region includes visible-light images from the Wide Field Imager at the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at La Silla and infrared images from the 4.1-metre infrared VISTA telescope at Paranal. Image via ESO
ESO's view of the Tarantula Nebula

On October 21st, an international team of scientist reported that a star system designated VFTS - 352 has the current most hottest and massive stars touching each other. They speculate that these two stars will only lead to catastrophe, either combining into one singular massive star, or collapse into a double hole.

By using the ESO (European Southern Observatory) they were able to locate VFTS -352 at nearly 50kpc located in the Tarantula Nebula, which is then located in the Large Magnellec Cloud that can be seen in our southern hemisphere. While the distance from the center of the stars are 12 million kilometers apart, their surfaces are almost nearly touching each other. However unlike typical binary stars where the smaller planet tends to absorb the materials from its larger partner. VFTS - 352's stars are speculated to have formed at approximately the same time and that the materials to form them are being consumed by one, but instead shared by both.

The lead scientist of the projects are giving speculation what would happen to the stars. One is that they will form one giant rapidly rotating star, and thus eventually exploding to what is called as a long-duration gamma burst. The other is that they will cause a supernova and form a close-by double black hole.

Source :

Without any data about the size or angular size of the two suns, I don't believe there is a way for us to properly found out the actual distance between the two stars, unless the complete detailed report is released for us to see. And wouldn't the double black holes consume one another?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Nasa releases Pluto flyby results

In July, New Horizon reached its intended target Pluto after a nine year voyage. Now that its mission was complete, it was off towards the Kuiper Belt, but as it does that NASA is currently obtaining the information from New Horizon.

Data reveals that Pluto alongside its moon Charon reveals dynamic geology and diverse terrain. Data showed that Pluto has presence of  a water ice-rich crust, a geologically young surface, tectonic extension, possible wind streaks, and glacial flow. Pluto atmosphere reveals that it has a pressure of 10 microbar,  trace hydrocarbon, and is heavily extended. And the densities between Charon and Pluto are found to differ by less than 10%, which more or less implies that both bodies were undifferentiated when they collided in the Kuiper belt.

Furthur data proved that Pluto's other two moons, Nix and Hydra unlike most other moons, actually does not face Pluto when they are orbiting. Which is most likely caused due to the interaction of Pluto and Charon, where their orbits resembles more of a binary star (facing towards each other).

Source :
Pluto's blue sky and Pluto most recent picture

Sunday, October 11, 2015

An image and link to see the Milky Way in multiple spectrums is our galaxy taken in infrared. Normally, we are unable to see this much into our own galaxy due to the presence of so much galactic dust floating all around. But as you can see, the blue straight line that we see in the middle is actually our sky, which is seen around the 3.5 μm which more or less transparent, which thus allows us to be able to see the light from the stars without obstruction. The green and red lights in this picture are around the 12 and 22μm respectfully.

Here is also an awesome site that lets you view the galaxy in several other spectrums, and not to mention it proved the coordinates to the spots you look at.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

NASA to confirm active brine on Mars

Recently with the discovery of flowing water on Mars, research has shown that it would only be possible for a solution to exist on Mars due to the lower evaporation and freezing point compared to pure water. Various salts such as chlorides, sulfates, and percolate had been found on the surface on Mars. RSL (recurring slope lineae) which are seasonal flows on the warmer parts of Mars have been hypothesized that they were created from flowing water. Due to the location and properties of Mars, it has been researched that the temperature exceeds that of 250 kelvins. The composition of the RSLs can be detected via an orbital spectrometer that can detect the absorption bands.

Pure water and hydrated salts absorption band tends to be  ~1.4μm, ~1.9μm, ~3.0μm.
Just hydrated salts tend to be between 1.7~2.4μm

What has been found is that the gathered data shows that the in the Paliker crater, the absorption bands were near 1.48μm, 1.91μm, 2.15μm and 3.0μm. This data shows that while pure water could be present, it also shows that hydrated salts could also be present within the same location. A spectrum of Mar's soil, Mg-perchlrate and Mg-chlorate closely resembles that of the RSL taken from the Paliker. This more or less confirms that there are some forms of salts located in the water that created the RSLs on Mars.

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